Management of environmental remediation and restoration projects

Environmental consulting

Environmental monitoring

Geotechnical monitoring

About us

Ökosil Ltd. is an environmental company, founded by the Republic of Estonia and Silmet Grupp Ltd with the purpose to manage large environmental projects just as Sillamäe Radioactive Tailings Pond Remediation and to provide other environmental management and monitoring related services.

The share capital of Ökosil Ltd is 7,8 mln EEK of which 35% belongs to the Republic of Estonia and 65% to Silmet Grupp. The technical basis of Ökosil is situated at Sillamäe; the other office is located in Tallinn.

Ökosil employs 18 people. The Project Management Unit for the tailings pond remediation project management was active from 1999 to 2008 and was deactivated after the project completion.

Ökosil environmental monitoring laboratory is accredited by the Estonian Center of Accreditation, the enterprise personnel has a wide experience of work and constantly passes periodic training. The area of accreditation of laboratory includes the following: sampling, field measurements, the laboratory analysis, including: surface-, ground- and wastewater; ambient air and gaseous emissions; indoor working environment: ventilation, humidity, dust, noise, lighting; radiation monitoring: alpha-, beta- and gamma radiation, aerosols and radon.

The major foreign partners are Wismut GmbH, C&E GmbH, the Nordic Environmental Finance Corporation (NEFCO), the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Department of Energy of the U.S.A. (US DOE), the Trade and Cooperation Development Agency of the USA (US TDA), the Radiation Protection Institute of Sweden (SSI), the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland.

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